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Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Department of Chemistry, Kosar University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran

2 Department of Biology, Payame Noor University, P.O. BOX 19395-4697 Tehran, Iran


In this research, the volatile compounds of Oleo gum resin of   Ferula gummosa were extracted from the protected area of Saluk located in North Khorasan province of Iran by water distillation method and the chemical compounds were identified by GC-MS and reported for the first time. In the studied plant essential oil, 42 compounds that made up 95.78% of essential oils have been identified, the main components of which are β-pinene (44.51%), α-pinene (11.49%), para-cymene (2.48%), 3-carene (5.74%), and 2-isopropyl 4-methylanisole (4.58%). In the following, five identified main compounds of this plant were compared with the main compounds of 26 ecotypes that were previously reported. By comparing the five main compounds of these 27 ecotypes, it was found that the main compounds of these samples are classified in the category of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and esters, and also by drawing a cluster dendrogram using R software, the proximity and distance of these samples in terms of the type of main compounds, it is clustered into three clusters including samples with similar compounds. This study can be effective in continuing the research on eco-phytochemistry and ethnobotanical characteristics of Frula gummosa.

Graphical Abstract

Chemical profile of Ferula gummosa growing in the Saluk protected area of Iran and comparing the results with other habitats.


Main Subjects

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Majid Halimi Khalilabad, Mohabat Nadaf. Chemical Profile of Ferula Gummosa Growing in the Saluk Protected Area of Iran and Comparing the Results with Other Habitats. Prog. Chem. Biochem. Res., 6(4) (2023) 277-291

DOI: 10.48309/pcbr.2023.410170.1271