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Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Department of Business Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran

2 Department of Accounting and Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


< p>< p>This study examines professional commitment in the relationship between professional competence and job performance in the Iranian oil industry. The main task of management is to guide people to the most effective performance in organizational situations. One of the most vital issues in any organization is its job performance. Since human capital is the most important asset of any organization, so benefiting from employees who have acceptable job performance and behave in accordance with the goals of the organization and the expectations of the manager, is essential for any organization that is concerned with effectiveness and improvement. Job performance refers to the achievement of organizational goals that have consequences such as increasing long-term profitability, growth rate and income, job satisfaction, employee productivity and improving the quality of services and products. Organizations are trapped in an atmosphere of constant change and transformation. This changing environment has led organizations to constantly seek to change their trends and, most importantly, to define new expectations for their employees. Nowadays, if employees act only within the formal and specified requirements of their job and, in other words, only to the extent that is written in the description of their organizational duties, then organizations can slowly move towards achieving the goals and optimal effectiveness. On the other hand, since the performance of individuals in the organization is considered as an important variable in increasing the effectiveness and productivity of the organization.

Graphical Abstract

Professional Commitment in the Relationship between Professional Competence and Job Performance in Oil Industry


Main Subjects

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